A drama is taking place in Afghanistan for the workers and the people.
The Taliban have militarily occupied the country, including Kabul, its capital. The puppet government supported by the USA and the imperialist countries of Western Europe fled quickly and shamefully. In fact, it was the Americans themselves who withdrew their troops and gave the green light to the Taliban advance.
All the officials of the Afghan government and all the people and forces who have had relations with the imperialists fear for their lives and flee in terror.
All non-Sharia supporters and especially women are defenceless in the face of Taliban violence.
Mass migration from Afghanistan which set off a month ago after the announcement of the withdrawal of American imperialists has reached its pinnacle with tragic scenes seen as the Taliban entered Kabul. People are using all they can do to escape their own country. Kabul airport is overflowing with people. People have died falling from the landing gear of planes they have latched onto to escape the country. Cars on their way to Iran and Tajikistan have caused pile-ups on the roads.
The reason for all this misery is the simultaneous dissolution of the collaborating regime as the withdrawal of US imperialism paved the way for the Taliban to seize the power while the people were disorganised and with no defence. The mass migration which has steered towards Turkey via Iran for a while now will begin to decelerate as Taliban begins to control the borders but the drama of Afghanistan will not cease.
The US is on its way out, abandoning large sections of its collaborators. The collaborators fear for their lives.
This is not the first time the imperialists are doing this. American imperialism had also left its collaborators in Vietnam to their own devices as it escaped from the country after its defeat there. To use and then to condemn to its plight is in imperialism’s nature. They do not worry about what they leave behind or the plights to which they have left. What only interests them is the plunder of the riches of people and supremacy against their rivals in the struggle for hegemony.
It has been proven once again that the imperialists cannot be trusted. It was only yesterday when they armed and organised the Taliban. Once the Taliban stated that “it has interests of its own” and acted against the US, imperialism began the fight against it. Once again they are coming to an agreement and abandoning it.
The USA and other imperialists, do not consider the good of any country in which it intervenes directly or through its “collaborators”; it does not seek to defend democracy, but to impose its power in order to oppress the people and plunder their natural resources. In the exercise of their interventionist policy, they act alongside the most reactionary cliques, the powerful local economic groups, the kings and lords of war.
After the departure of the USA and its European imperialist allies from Afghan territory, other imperialist and capitalist powers, such as Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, are talking about establishing good diplomatic and political relations with the Taliban regime, in a clear demonstration of occupying the abandoned space and strengthening their positions in the world geopolitics.
The Afghan people are facing an ultra-reactionary religious government; the struggle for the rights of workers, women and children are fundamental demands, although the Taliban say that they will respect the rights of the population, especially women, the facts already show the opposite. The struggle of these people for social and national emancipation are important banners of the struggle bread, freedom and democracy.
The CIPOML calls on the workers and people of the world to denounce the complicity of the imperialist powers in the tragic events taking place today in Afghanistan, and to raise solidarity with the people of Afghanistan.
International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations
Coordination Committee